Why is clinical photography key in the wound management process?

The 2016 article, “Review of near-infrared methods for wound assessment,” by Michael G. Sowa, Wen-Chuan Kuo, Alex C. Ko, and David G. Armstrong, discusses the development of wound imaging tools to assess wounds along the entire healing trajectory.

To effectively manage wounds, it’s important to keep track of how they’re healing. The foundation of wound assessment is clinical monitoring, which includes visual inspection and physical examination, however, new instrumental methods for wound imaging are becoming increasingly significant. Photonics-based equipment that utilizes near-infrared light is used more often for wound imaging and many of these clinically adopted technologies are replacing outdated systems, such as TCOM, and better supporting visual assessments.

SnapshotNIR, developed by Kent Imaging, is one such device using near-infrared spectroscopy to image tissue oxygenation and perfusion. SnapshotNIR is a lightweight, portable point-of-care imaging device with a user-friendly interface that can accurately measure tissue oxygenation at the macrovascular level.

To read the entire review of near-infrared tools from Michael G. Sowa, et all., click here.

For a first-hand look at the advantages of NIRS technology in wound imaging, visit our webinars page, here.

Source: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/journal-of-biomedical-optics/volume-21/issue-09/091304/Review-of-near-infrared-methods-for-wound-assessment/10.1117/1.JBO.21.9.091304.full?SSO=1

To speak to a product expert about Kent’s imaging technologies, contact us here.


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