Kent Imaging receives the Global Excellence Award and IE award for 2023

Kent Imaging is pleased to announce that we have been awarded Most Innovative Medical Imaging Technology Developer of the Year - Canada, by International Elite 100 and Most Innovative Medical Imaging Firm - Canada by Global Health and Pharma.

Kent’s flagship product, SnapshotNIR, is a Canadian-made near-infrared (NIR), reflectance-based technology that measures tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) in superficial tissue. Using multiple wavelengths of NIR light, SnapshotNIR measures relative amounts of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in the microcirculation where oxygen exchange is happening. Snapshot provides users with a tissue oxygenation map that can be used in medical decision-making for tracking and trending oxygenation, and for evaluating tissue viability in wound care. SnapshotNIR is a portable and handheld medical device that uses near-infrared spectroscopy to image tissue oxygenation at the microvascular level.

Our cost-effective and easy-to-use wound imaging device is completely non-invasive, eliminating the need for patient contact or injected dyes. Accurately capture diagnostic insight into the availability of oxygenated blood in tissue. SnapshotNIR’s actionable data is helping to provide insight for improved decision-making, forging a path in advanced diagnostic-driven wound care throughout the continuum of care.

“One of our main focuses is building awareness around the issues, care requirements, and potential complications that can arise from diabetes or PAD-related chronic wounds. Effective wound management requires in-depth and consistent wound healing monitoring and our SnapshotNIR technology is changing the game in helping to drive more successful outcomes for patients.” - Pierre Lemire, CEO


Kent Imaging Featured on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland


Canadian MedTech Pioneer, Pierre Lemire, attending premiere medical innovation and investment event in Barcelona